Current Season
The 2025 TheatreWorks season includes an adventurous slate of productions: American Buffalo, Upstate, Circle Mirror Transformation, A Comedy of Tenors, What the Dickens and Ride the Cyclone the Musical.

Open Calls
TheatreWorks seeks actors through open auditions, which are open to anyone who wants to audition, regardless of your background or experience.

About TheatreWorks
In 1967, the New Milford Players formed with the goal of presenting not only theatre but a variety of artistic events. In 1992, it was re-named TheatreWorks to more accurately reflect the company and its mission.

Support Us
From set construction to ushering to board membership to donations, we are always seeking new people to help make TheatreWorks a success. Advertisers can reach thousands of new prospects in our area every year.
Latest News & Reviews
Theater Review: Riveting ‘Buffalo’ In New Milford
There is not a cable or streaming series today that doesn’t owe a great debt to playwright David Mamet. He was one of the first major writers…
Theater Review: TheatreWorks New Milford Goes All Out With ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’
NEW MILFORD — TheatreWorks New Milford is finishing its 2024 season with a production of Jesus Christ Superstar, which runs through December 28. The iconic rock opera tells…
Review: JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR at TheatreWorks New Milford
They say that limitations encourage creativity, not stifle it. It’s one of my favorite parts about theater: You can make anything happen. It may not look the…