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Josh Newey


has been blaspheming and committing sins since he was a wee lad, including but not limited to: flipping off a nun behind her back (she cut me in line), peeing on a tree in his neighbor’s back yard (as Ian Malcolm once said, “When you gotta go, you gotta go”), calling his dog a dingleberry on 127 occasions, purchasing the Cable Guy soundtrack as his first CD (true story), making his first email address RageAgainsttheKornBizkit@yahoo.com (sadly, also true), riding his bike to the theater to watch Batman and Robin with his allowance money three weeks in a row (yep), and wearing the sloth sin like a boy scout badge. He’s also appeared in sinful shows like Reefer Madness (The Lecturer), Evil Dead the Musical (Ash), Assassins (John Hinckley), and Avenue Q (Rod). Forgive me father, for I have sinned: I just did this pretty awesome show with two improvers and a director I admire endlessly–and I would do it all over again.
