Jocelyn Beard

Jocelyn is thrilled to have been asked to join such a fantastically rambunctious cast, and thanks Kevin Sosbe for giving her the opportunity to investigate her inner Clover in such a timely piece of theatre. Many thanks to my fellow cast mates, you all rock! A huge thank you to TheatreWorks for continuing to push the envelope and for bringing excellent theatre to our community, no matter the obstacles. Your bravery is inspiring. Thanks and much love to my family, without whom, I’d simply be a lump in a corner somewhere…and above all, many, MANY thanks to Ginger, my Belgian-Morgan mare, who I’m sure is now thoroughly convinced that I’m nutters as I’ve been staring at her for the past 6 weeks trying to figure out how to be a horse at least as cool as she is. Long live Animal Farm! The Revolution is NEVER over!
- Clover