Maureen Sheehan

is a newcomer to TheatreWorks and would like to give the director, Frank Arcaro, thanks for taking a chance on her. Also, thanks to the wonderful cast and crew who have been so wonderfully warm and supportive. Maureen is quite sure that in her role as Janet MacKenzie she is channeling the spirit of her late Grandmother, Nanny Sheehan, and thanks her for the help. Maureen’s theatrical interest started many moons ago at Simmons College, where she appeared in The Good Woman of Szechuan and The House of Bernarda Alba and in a selection of scenes from Hamlet, Richard III and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Since those days theater-going has been more frequent than acting. However, Maureen has appeared in The Night of January 16th at the Waterbury Community Theater and in Strictly Murder and Getting Sarah Married at the Clockwork Repertory Theater in Watertown, now the home of the Phoenix Stage Company. Lastly, a note of appreciation to my adult children Allison, Julia and Marty, who in a sort of role reversal accommodate their mother’s theatrical aspirations with patience, humor and line running (Allie).
- Janet MacKenzie